Why Should I Hire Lubell Rosen To File My Application For Financial Relief Instead Of Doing It Myself, Or Using A Bank Rep Or A CPA For Assistance?

Why Should I Hire Lubell Rosen To File My Application For Financial Relief Instead Of Doing It Myself, Or Using A Bank Rep Or A CPA For Assistance?


Why Should I Hire Lubell Rosen To File My Application For Financial Relief Instead Of Doing It Myself, Or Using A Bank Rep Or A CPA For Assistance?


  1. When a doctor hires Lubell Rosen, it is our job to maximize your recovery. In other words, we will use our expertise to figure out how you can get the most money borrowed and more importantly, the most forgiven. While we make no guarantees, in most cases we anticipate that we will easily get more for you than the bank would get and the difference will exceed the amount we are charging. Remember, Lubell Rosen will be your advocate, not just someone to full out the form. The bank will not give you legal advice or advocate for you they just fill the form. That’s the difference between a lawyer and non-lawyer.
  2.  Lubell Rosen is a full service law firm. We specialize in representing physicians and we are familiar with the legal issues related to healthcare. Banks and CPA's are not limited to doctors.
  3. There is more than just the CARES loan out there. There are other legislative relief programs that clients may be eligible for. We will give you advice on which of these apply and we will process the application or give your CPA the info he/she needs to get a deduction for you which will result in a substantial tax savings. Plus the Fed is considering additional legislation and if and when that happens, we will apply for relief from that as well. Again, this is what a lawyer does as opposed to a bank.
  4. The banks are not helping you fill out the form. Our paralegal staff will make applying easy. We will do the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to do it. It’s a lot of data to compile. A bank will merely tell you where to download the application.  
    And last but not least,
  5. Since we are a law firm, everything you tell us is protected by attorney client privilege. No such privilege applies to a bank.
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