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Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program offers financial relief

Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program offers financial relief

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) is working with participating provides and suppliers to ensure they have the funds necessary to continue operating without disruption. During the current public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Medicare Accelerated and Advanced Payment Program (the “Program”) will lend most providers or suppliers as much as 100% of the amount it received during the preceding six (6) month period.

94% of the country is under a “stay inside” order

94% of the country is under a “stay inside” order

If you are over 60-you need an estate plan. This virus has the ability to create havoc in individuals over the age of 60- a segment of our population that includes business owners, CEO's and heads of households. The critical question we should all be asking is "what if I get it?". I cannot urge enough to avoid putting this difficult question off.

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4 years ago
2 min to read
Coronavirus Legal Advise: get your estate in order - NOW

Coronavirus Legal Advise: get your estate in order - NOW

If you are over 60-you need an estate plan. This virus has the ability to create havoc in individuals over the age of 60- a segment of our population that includes business owners, CEO's and heads of households. The critical question we should all be asking is "what if I get it?". I cannot urge enough to avoid putting this difficult question off.

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4 years ago
1 min to read

Social Media in the Healthcare World

Social Media is invaluable for all businesses but in the health care business it comes with many challenges. The primary reason is that patient confidentiality rules, generally called HIPAA, can prevent or seriously limit a response to a complaint or review. Also, patient solicitation rules prohibit certain types of patient outreach for some providers.

Do Websites Have To Comply With The ADA?

Do Websites Have To Comply With The ADA?

The sort answer to the question of whether websites have to comply with the ADA is yes. If the business has a physical location visited by the public, the website that establishes the online presence of the brick and mortar business must comply with the ADA. That is the short answer, and it is the conclusion that one can draw from seeing how successful cases against companies in Florida have been, and how prevalent they have been, in recent history, as described in this article, but that I will also explain below.

URGENT SCAM ALERT - Phony DEA Agent Contact to Doctors

URGENT SCAM ALERT - Phony DEA Agent Contact to Doctors

We want to let you know about a phony DEA agent scam that was attempted on one of our physician clients the other day. Our client texted one of our partners, advising that he was on the phone with a person who represented herself as a DEA agent, who was calling to inform the physician that his license was going to be immediately suspended and he was going to be arrested. We were able to instantly conference into the call with the “DEA agent” and physician.

Gaining the Advantage handling Frivolous Lawsuits

Gaining the Advantage handling Frivolous Lawsuits

The cost of doing business successfully today, is that lawsuits are bound to happen, and many of them will be frivolous lawsuits. Routinely frivolous lawsuits are pursued by attorneys who know that even a frivolous lawsuit can be successful against companies who know it is cheaper to pay a settlement than spend years paying attorneys to wind through state court systems. There is a way to fight back, using a trick that puts frivolous lawsuit filers into waters they do not want to swim in, and may not be able to handle.

Josh Bloom Speaks at the CME Beach Retreat for the Emerald Coast Medical Association

Lubell Rosen Associate Josh Bloom recently presented a lecture on Preventable Medical Errors at the CME Beach Retreat for the Emerald Coast Medical Association. He spoke on preventable medical errors and how to minimize risk and exposure to professional negligence suits on the front end. He broke down common issues relevant to preventable medical errors into 4 parts – documentation and charting, office policies and procedures, liability for others and medical quality assurance meetings in a small space.

Lubell Rosen Partner Michael O'Connor Featured in the Daily Business Review for his Article "Vergara Embryo Trust Enables Forum Shopping by Ex-Fiancé"

"Vergara Embryo Trust Enables Forum Shopping by Ex-Fiancé" Actress Sofia Vergara’s ex-fiancé Nick Loeb is using a trust as a procedural loophole to move the parties’ dispute over their embryos to a favorable jurisdiction. If he is successful, he will create a monumental precedent enabling litigants in embryonic disputes to have a “back door” into “pro-life” jurisdictions. Loeb filed the case on Dec. 7 in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, naming the embryos “Emma” and “Isabella” as plaintiffs. Loeb seeks declaratory judgment directing the embryos to be implanted in a surrogate, so that they can receive an interest in a Louisiana trust.